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Siren Head

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If you feel you can easily deal with any monster, here is a challenge that not all players could handle. Are you full of courage to confront a really terrible creature? Then welcome to a thrilling adventure where you meet Siren Head. Who is it? No one can tell for sure, as till now nobody could survive the encounter with this villain.

Do not let the monster catch you!

The monster is really scary – he is not even a human. It is a terrible creature that looks like a wire. It does not have a head but a huge siren attached to its neck. The antagonist can produce terrible sounds that can deafen anyone to death. Besides, Siren Head has excellent hearing. If you produce even the slightest noise – you will be immediately captured and killed. Try to move as quietly as you can to explore the location. You are not allowed to make even one mistake. Good luck!

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