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What is this disturbing surreal place? How did you get here? Are you dreaming or have you simply gone mad? The text on the screen tells you to keep checking your watch if you want to retain your sanity. And to look for a way out. Without getting any other answers, you have no other choice but to walk into each of the multiple doors that you will see in this long yellow corridor and to find out what’s waiting for you behind them…

Solve the puzzles and find an exit!

Every room you are going to walk into contains a puzzle for you to solve. You’ll see a bunch of objects that have no seeming connection. But if you try different ways of combining them, you will stumble upon the solution sooner or later. Beware of the shadow that roams the maze – if it comes anywhere near you, you might experience effects and hallucinations that will send the level of paranoia simply sky-high!

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